Saturday, May 13, 2017

How to Increase MMR in Dota 2

Hey guys!

I keep on seeing lots of people quitting Dota 2 because of their MMRs not going up. I understand the frustration, when I was at 3k MMR bracket I almost punched my monitor (did somebody say Puppey?:D) because of the throwers, trolls, quitters and toxic players crawling like rats in game. But good thing I did not.

Finally I found out ways on how to increase MMR flawlessly. It's never easy, but it gets the job done. So here are my tips on how to increase your MMR. :)

If you are good at one hero, and you see that you have higher win rates using that hero than others, then spam it! No matter what your friends say about spamming the same hero, ignore them. It's not for them but for you! If you are seeing green days with that hero, hell spam it baby!

2) Don't play with friends who are worst than you.
We all have those friends who are "feeling pro" even when their MMRs are the same as you but they act like they know everything. Jez. And ofcourse, you the humble servant must follow because, hell they will "carry" you right? You will be always listening and following whatever they tell you to do. Soon you will be pulling into their pressure and it will make your game-play worse. 

Until you decided to stop playing with them, and started doing what you think is  the right thing, you will managed to increase your MMR, while they will be stuck on their, rofl.

3) Bad players? Trashtalkers? MUTE them!
I know some people might not agree to this, but seriously, mute those players who keep on trashtalking and are so bad at playing! You don't want any negative vibes messing with your mind while you are playing and trying to win, trust me.

4) WomboCombo!
Always ask for combos during picking phase. Remember, if you have a partner in a lane which can harass and do stun combos for example, on your enemies on that lane, they will have hard time last hitting and they might just hug their tower! But also keep in mind that you need combos for the whole team as well. For instance, Dark Seer + Sven? Magnus + ES? That's a support + core duo! Not to mention you have other carries who can just clean them all up! Any heroes that do combos are good. You just have to sync with your team.

5) Counter Enemy Heroes.
This is an important tip and this can go towards victory, 70% of the time. If you counter enemy heroes, that's an advantage. For example, if enemy picks PL or meepo or those heroes with illusions? EchoSlam their face bruh! (Winter Wyvern is a decent counter also for those). When I see AM on enemy team? I don't get scared, instead I pick BloodSeeker. I try to get SB as fast as I can and hunt am. 1st skill (on yourself ofc) + activate SB + 1 hit (optional though) + Rupture + 2nd skill - then most AM players will be pressure and forced to blink, that's when he is dead. (or if you are in doubt, make blademail)

6) Pick SUPPORT!
I know, I know. Why pick support on lower skill bracket when the carries on your team are noobs? That's the whole point! Pick support when you see all of your teammates are picking carry. Because you will carry them to victory. Buy wards, upgrade cour. If 3 of your carries are feeding and are stupid idiots, ignore them. Instead, look for 1 carry who has good performance and GPM. He does not have to be the best, but if he is not feeding, support him! Use heroes that are versatile and hard - treant, ogre, sand king, lion, etc. Babysit him. Stack for him, make sure he gets the farm that he needs.

7) Outplay your Enemies!
Pub scene nowadays are very much the same. It is very easy to predict what players are going to do or in what lane they are going. And you know better than them, so you OUTSMART them! 

-If you see one hero missing on the map, he could be jungling or stacking creeps. If so, ask one of your carries to go with you and steal their stacks or gank that hero who is jungling. Ez exp ez gold.

-Enemy team have invi hero/heroes? Buy sentries! Seriously, at lower skill bracket, some people doesn't care about invi heroes until the time comes that they are fucked and crushed, that's when they decide to buy - duh! Put sentries on each lane and any part of the map that are predictable. I asure you, those invi heroes will be useless in early game.

-Use Smoke Ganks. It's not popular on lower MMR brackets. So take advantage of it. Buy Smoke of Deceit, ping your team and surprise them.

This is the most important thing of all. I know that most of us easily gets mad when we have noobs in our team. But what can you do when the game is already starting? Throw? Quit? Nobody wants to be reported and be kicked to Low Priority! 

Be friendly, even if your team is feeding, try to encourage them. Tell them 'it's okay guys, we can catch up, just keep farming'. It might sound desperate but a lot of times that can boost up the confidence of your teammates. Besides, nobody wants to hear 'WTF NOOB MID NOOB CARRY QUIT DOTA PLZ GG EZ MID'. After all, it's not just their MMR which is at stake, yours too.

Remember, think outside of the box - outplay your enemies, predict their moves, don't play with bad players - mute them, and most of all - POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE!

I hope you guys learn a thing or two on my article.

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